How to Quickly Enter the Ketosis?

How to Quickly Enter the Ketosis?

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What is the ketosis and how to measure ketone level?

The ketosis is clearly defined as a metabolic state. When people are on a diet with extremely low intakes of carbohydrates, moderate protein, and high fat, the main energy source of the human body will change from glucose to ketone produced from fat burning. If the human body is in shortage of glucose, ketone will be used as the main energy source, that is, glucose burning will be changed to fat burning for the energy supply.

There are three types of ketone, wherein blood ketone occupies the largest proportion, that is, 80% to 90%. The measurement accuracy is relatively high when ketone in human blood are measured with a blood ketone meter. The proportion of urine ketone comes second, that is, 10% to 20%. The longer the ketogenesis takes, the more effective ketone are utilized in the human body. After one month, urine will contain very little ketone. Only the measurement in the initial stage of ketogenesis will apply as the cost is relatively low. Breath ketone accounts for the least proportion, that is, 2% or so. Every measurement varies greatly. Particularly, data will not be that accurate after meals, coffee, and smoking.

How long will it take to enter the ketosis?

There are many influencing factors against the entry of the ketosis. As everyone's physical quality is different, the time to enter the ketosis is also different. It is relatively easy to enter the ketosis under the condition of a low intake of carbohydrates, a large amount of exercise, and a strong metabolic capacity. In most people's cognition, it will take a few days to a week to enter the ketosis.

Four ways to enter the ketosis

(1) Reduce carbohydrate intake as far as possible

Reducing carbohydrate intake is very important for entry into the ketosis as glucose used by cells for energy will reduce when carbohydrate intake reduces. If cells use other energy sources, such as ketone, the human body will store glucose in the form of glycogen. When the carbohydrate intake is reduced, the glycogen stored in the human body will reduce, which will also lead to a decrease in the insulin content in the human body, thus liberating fatty acids from fat storage. The liver will then burn and convert the fatty acids into ketone.


(2) Do exercise to help the human body enter the ketosis

Glucose reserve is the first to be consumed during the exercise of the human body. When the glucose reserve is exhausted, the human body will seek to consume ketone and convert them into energy to support its functioning during exercise. During exercise, of course, the human body also needs to replenish enough water and electrolytes to stay hydrated.


(3) Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting refers to a deliberate pattern of not eating for a set period of time, eating little or not eating at all during fasting, which will make the human body quickly consume the glucose reserve and help it enter the ketosis as soon as possible. Therefore, intermittent fasting is a relatively fast way for most people who want to enter the ketosis. In addition to reducing the intake of most carbohydrates in the human body, it can also promote more fat to be burned and converted into energy.

(4) Enter the ketosis better and more accurately with the aid of CKM


Monitoring the ketone level with a ketone meter can help people enter the ketosis better and more accurately. As everyone's physical quality is different, it is highly individualized to enter and maintain the ketosis.

SiBio CKM KS1 is the world’s leading continuous ketone monitoring system. It can monitor the state of ketone in the human body in a real-time manner, which is presented in numerical form. It is worn without any feeling and is directly connected to the app via Bluetooth for people to view the real-time data, which can better help people enter the ketosis.

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