No, You Won’t Turn Into a Bacon-Wrapped Zombie

Myth 1: “Keto Means No Vegetables!” Truth: Veggies are the backbone of keto! Focus on low-carb options:
  • Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, arugula (1-2g net carbs per cup).
  • Cruciferous veggies: Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli (3-5g net carbs per serving).
Myth 2: “You’ll Waste Away Without Carbs!” Truth: Your body can make glucose from protein and fat (a process called gluconeogenesis). You don’t need dietary carbs to survive!
Myth 3: “Keto is Just for Weight Loss” Beyond the Scale:
  • Reduced inflammation (good for arthritis!).
  • Better blood sugar control (ideal for prediabetes).
  • Improved mental focus (popular with students and entrepreneurs).
Myth 4: “Keto is Expensive!” Budget Hacks:
  • Buy frozen veggies (cheaper and pre-chopped!).
  • Use cheaper cuts of meat (chicken thighs > breasts).
  • Make your own keto snacks (e.g., roasted pumpkin seeds).
Myth 5: “You Can’t Eat Out!” Restaurant Survival Guide:
  • Mexican: Fajita veggies + grilled meat + guac (skip the rice and beans).
  • Italian: Chicken piccata + side salad (hold the croutons).
  • Fast food: Bunless burger + side of avocado.